Study Linking Contaminated Ground Water to Mulch, Compost Facilities Challenged

By P.J. Heller A study by Suffolk County (NY) health officials linking ground water contamination to nearby composting and mulch facilities — prompting New York State to consider new regulations on such operations — has generated numerous questions and widespread criticism and could have major implications nationwide for the industry. “I personally think it’s a croc . . . ” …

Blowing the Competition Away …

Start Up Material Blower Company Taps into Growing Denver Landscaping MarketBy Todd Williams A burgeoning Colorado economy coupled with an extremely tight labor market are critical factors in the rapid growth of a young start-up material spreading business, Bedder Spreaders. Formerly the business development director for a large Denver commercial landscaping company, Nick Holladay is one of the founding principals …

House Investigates Calls for Prosecutions of Climate Skeptics

By Bonner R. Cohen An obscure, Maryland-based environmental group that has pocketed tens of millions of dollars in taxpayer money over the past 14 years is at the center of a congressional investigation after posting a letter on its website urging President Barack Obama to use racketeering statutes against those questioning predictions of an imminent manmade global warming catastrophe. On …